
How To Put On A New Rear View Mirror

How to install a rearview mirror in your auto: seven easy steps

Updated Jan 23, 2022 | Aforementioned topic: All-time Advice for Car Buyers

The rearview mirror is glued skillfully and securely to the inside of the windshield, simply that does not mean it will never autumn down.

At that place are many reasons why the rearview mirror in the car falls downwardly, such equally in car accident, nether strong impact of a head-on collision, past excessive twisting strength, due to the effect of solar heat, or under prolonged shaking.

If the vehicle's rearview mirror falls off and break, the affair to exercise is to handle it immediately because the rear view of the vehicle will be severely affected. In fact, the car owner can install dorsum the rearview mirror hands with a few elementary steps and tools. And because of the simplicity of this action, many technicians even agree to install the part for free.

Before rolling upwardly your shirtsleeves to install a new rearview mirror for your motorcar, let give y'all a listing of necessary tools and equipment for this work:

  • Specialized tools for installing rearview mirror;
  • Tools for cleaning mirrors and glass;
  • Razors
  • Dryer

Stride 1: Remove the mounting push from the rearview mirror

This is a key component to attach the mirror to the windshield. Removal of this button is uncomplicated because the windscreen is usually continued to the mirror by a slide or hook mechanism through the arm of the mirror.

Remove the mounting button from the rearview mirror 

Remove the mounting push button from the rearview mirror

Pace 2: Heat upwardly a windscreen'southward area on which the mirror is previously attached

This step is to ensure that the area for mirror installation is warm enough to take an issue on the glue we are well-nigh to employ. If the windshield is common cold, the adhesive effect of the glue on the glass will be reduced. This pace can be done by using a hair dryer to heat up.

Step three: Make clean the windshield and remove whatever old stains

Before installing the rearview mirror, make certain the windscreen surface is completely make clean. If there is whatsoever quondam glue left on the glass, try to employ a razor to make clean information technology advisedly. When cleaning all glue residues completely, apply a glass cleaning fluid or alcohol to make clean again the inside surface of the windshield and the bottom of the mirror arm that volition come in contact with the glass.

When handling, do not leave backside fingerprint or allow your finger touch the windscreen because there will exist oil or water on your hands.

Clean the windshield

Clean the windshield and remove any old stains

Stride 4: Determine the correct position of the mirror

In the case of an old car model, the owner tin can use a small piece of stickers to mark from the outside of the windscreen to decide exactly where the mirror should be placed inside.

These days, many new vehicles are pre-marked on the outside of the drinking glass, indicating the position of the rear-view mirror, which is very convenient.

Step 5: Apply a specialized glue for the mirror (apply a rearview mirror activator)

Afterwards cleaning and identifying the position of the mirror, utilize a special adhesive for the mirror onto the inner surface of the windshield and the surface of the bracket and allow it to dry for a few minutes.

Step 6: Use the glue to the mirror mount

You should apply the mucilage onto the mirror mount instead of the windscreen. Firmly attach the mirror mount to the windshield and use a steady force to continue it in place for more than 60 seconds until the mount is firmly attached.

Apply the glue to the mirror mount

Apply the glue to the mirror mount

Step vii: Reconnect the mirror to the mirror mount (every bit shown in pace 1)

You should wait for more than than five minutes for the mirror mount to firmly attach to the windshield and then attach the mirror neck to the articulation (this pace should follow the instructions from the manufacturer of the car because each design is different).

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