
How To Create A Total Row In Excel

This tutorial covers how to add together entire rows or columns in Excel.

Sum an Entire Column in Excel Sum an Entire Row in Excel

The Sum Office

Nosotros will apply the Sum Function to add up unabridged rows and columns.

The Sum Function takes input in ii master forms: standalone prison cell references (ex.=sum(a1,b2,c3)) or an array of cells (=sum(A1:E1)). We volition use the latter method:
Use the Sum Function in Excel to Add Up a Row

Tip 1: The Shortcut ALT + = (printing and hold ALT then tap =) will automatically create a Sum Office. When possible, Excel will gauge which cells you would similar to sum together, populating the Sum Office.
Tip 2: Later using the ALT + = shortcut or after typing =sum(, use the pointer keys to select the appropriate cell. And so concur downward SHIFT or CTRL + SHIFT to select the desired range of cells.
Tip 3: Instead of using the keyboard, yous tin besides employ the mouse to drag and highlight the desired range and complete the formula.

Sum an Entire Column

To add up an entire column, enter the Sum Function: =sum( and so select the desired column either by clicking the column letter at the top of the screen or by using the arrow keys to navigate to the column and using the CTRL + SPACE shortcut to select the entire column. The formula volition be in the form of =sum(A:A).
Add up an Entire Column in Excel

Sum an Entire Row

To add up an unabridged column, enter the Sum Function: =sum( and and then select the row either by clicking the row number on the left of the screen or by navigating to the desired row with the arrow keys and using the SHIFT + SPACE shortcut to select the entire row. The formula will be in the form of =sum(1:1).
Add up an Entire Row in Excel

Add up Multiple Columns or Rows at Once

To sum columns or rows at the same time, use a formula of the form: =sum(A:B) or =sum(1:2). Remember that you can also use the keyboard shortcuts CTRL + SPACE to select an unabridged column or SHIFT + SPACE an unabridged row. Then, while holding down SHIFT, use the arrow keys to select multiple rows.

Sum Multiple Columns At Once in Excel

Sum Not-Contiguous Columns or Rows at Once

There are several ways to add up non-contiguous rows or columns at once. Of course, y'all can create multiple Sum Formulas and add together the results together. However, you lot can also use a comma delimiter within the Sum Function to enter multiple arrays of numbers within the same Sum Part.

Annotation the deviation,
Multiple Sum Functions:

Use Multiple Sum Functions to Sum Multiple Columns at Once

Comma Delimiter:
Sum Non-Contiguous Columns in Excel

Often times, y'all need to add up an entire column (or row), except the header. In Excel 2013, non-integer entries included in the Sum formula are automatically ignored. If y'all included cell A1 (the header) in the Sum Function: =sum(A:A), the Sum Function would work properly. However, information technology is skillful practice to maintain backward compatibility.

Instead, you lot can utilise formula =SUM(A2:A1048576). Why 1,048,576? Excel worksheets only have ane,048,576 rows!
Sum Entire Columns or Rows Except the Header

To meet this, select a jail cell in a blank cavalcade. And so you use the shortcut: CTRL + Down Pointer to navigate to the last row in the worksheet.

Add Up all Rows Containing Data

Instead of adding up an entire cavalcade to the bottom of the worksheet, you can add-upwardly only the rows containing information. To exercise this, showtime start your SUM Function. And then select the first row in the column containing the data you lot wish to sum, then utilise CTRL + SHIFT + Downward Arrow to select all the cells in that cavalcade (Note: exist careful of blank cells. CTRL + SHIFT + Arrow will navigate to the cell directly earlier a blank cell)

Sum Cells in All Rows Containing Data

Autosum Magic

Select a cell in a higher place/beneath or left/right the range y'all want to sum. So apply the shortcut ALT + = or select the Formulas Ribbon > Autosum. Doing so will automatically generate a formula for you!

Autosum Cells in Excel

Common Sum Errors

#VALUE! – y'all accept non-integers in the sum formula (not an effect in Excel 2013+)

#REF! – previously referenced column(south) or row(southward) does not exist anymore

#Name? – bank check formula spelling

For more than information about Autosum in Excel visit Microsoft'due south Website


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