
How To Use Formulas To Find Top Five Contestants Excel

10 Advanced Excel Formulas You Must Know

Every fiscal analyst spends more time in Excel than they may care to admit.  Based on years and years of experience, we have compiled the most important and advanced Excel formulas that every world-class financial analyst must know.

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Formula: =INDEX(C3:E9,MATCH(B13,C3:C9,0),Lucifer(B14,C3:E3,0))

This is an advanced alternative to the VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP formulas (which have several drawbacks and limitations). INDEX MATCH  is a powerful combination of Excel formulas that will have your fiscal analysis and fiscal modeling to the side by side level.

INDEX returns the value of a cell in a table based on the column and row number.

Lucifer returns the position of a cell in a row or column.

Here is an case of the Index and MATCH formulas combined together.  In this case, nosotros expect up and return a person's top based on their name.  Since proper name and peak are both variables in the formula, we tin can modify both of them!

Advanced Excel Formulas - Index Match

For a pace-by-step explanation or how to employ this formula, please run across our free guide on how to utilize INDEX Friction match in Excel .

ii. IF combined with AND / OR

Formula: =IF(AND(C2>=C4,C2<=C5),C6,C7)

Anyone who's spent a great deal of time doing various types of financial models knows that nested IF formulas can be a nightmare.  Combining IF with the AND or the OR function tin can be a bang-up way to go along formulas easier to audit and easier for other users to understand.  In the case beneath, you will see how we used the individual functions in combination to create a more than advanced formula.

For a detailed breakdown of how to perform this function in Excel please encounter our free guide on how to utilise IF with AND / OR . Advanced Excel Formulas - IF AND

3. OFFSET combined with SUM or Boilerplate

Formula: =SUM(B4:First(B4,0,E2-ane))

The OFFSET function on its own is non particularly advanced, but when we combine it with other functions like SUM or AVERAGE we can create a pretty sophisticated formula.  Suppose you want to create a dynamic function that tin sum a variable number of cells.  With the regular SUM formula, you are limited to a static calculation, but past calculation Kickoff you tin can have the jail cell reference move around.

How it works:  To make this formula work, nosotros substitute the ending reference cell of the SUM part with the Beginning office.  This makes the formula dynamic and the cell referenced as E2 is where you can tell Excel how many consecutive cells you want to add upwardly. Now we've got some advanced Excel formulas!

Below is a screenshot of this slightly more than sophisticated formula in action.

sum offset formula

As you see, the SUM formula starts in cell B4, but it ends with a variable, which is the OFFSET formula starting at B4 and continuing by the value in E2 ("3"), minus one.  This moves the end of the sum formula over 2 cells, summing 3 years of data (including the starting point).  Every bit you tin run into in jail cell F7, the sum of cells B4:D4 is xv, which is what the offset and sum formula gives the states.

Acquire how to build this formula step-by-step in our advanced Excel course.


Formula: =CHOOSE(choice, option1, option2, option3)

The Cull function is peachy for scenario assay in fiscal modeling.  It allows y'all to pick between a specific number of options, and render the "option" that y'all've selected.  For example, imagine you have three different assumptions for acquirement growth next year: 5%, 12%, and 18%.  Using the Choose formula you can return 12% if you tell Excel you desire choice #2.

Read more than about scenario analysis in Excel .

CHOOSE function

To see a video sit-in, check out our Advanced Excel Formulas Grade.

v. XNPV and XIRR

Formula: =XNPV(discount rate, greenbacks flows, dates)

If you're an annotator working in investment banking , equity enquiry, financial planning & assay (FP&A ), or any other area of corporate finance that requires discounting greenbacks flows, then these formulas are a lifesaver!

But put, XNPV and XIRR permit you to employ specific dates to each individual cash flow that'south being discounted.  The problem with Excel's basic NPV and IRR formulas is that they assume the time periods betwixt cash menses are equal.  Routinely, as an annotator, you'll have situations where cash flows are not timed evenly, and this formula is how yous set that.

XNPV advanced finance formula in Excel

For a more detailed breakdown, see our free IRR vs XIRR formulas guide besides as our XNPV guide.


Formula: =COUNTIF(D5:D12,">=21″)

These two advanced formulas are great uses of conditional functions.  SUMIF adds all cells that run across sure criteria, and COUNTIF counts all cells that run into sure criteria. For case, imagine yous want to count all cells that are greater than or equal to 21 (the legal drinking age in the U.S.) to find out how many bottles of champagne you lot need for a client result.  You can use COUNTIF as an advanced solution, as shown in the screenshot beneath.

COUNTIF formula

In our advanced Excel course, we pause these formulas downward in fifty-fifty more than item.

7. PMT and IPMT

Formula: =PMT(interest rate, # of periods, present value)

If yous work incommercial cyberbanking , real manor, FP&A or whatever financial analyst position that deals with debt schedules, you'll want to understand these two detailed formulas.

The PMT formula gives yous the value of equal payments over the life of a loan.  You tin can use it in conjunction with IPMT (which tells yous the interest payments for the same blazon of loan), then dissever principal and interest payments.

Here is an example of how to utilize the PMT part to become the monthly mortgage payment for a $one meg mortgage at 5% for 30 years.

eight. LEN and TRIM

Formulas: =LEN(text) and =TRIM(text)

The above formulas are a little less common, but certainly very sophisticated ones.  They are great for financial analysts who need to organize and manipulate large amounts of data.  Unfortunately, the information we get is not always perfectly organized and sometimes, there can be issues similar extra spaces at the beginning or cease of cells.

The LEN formula returns a given text string equally the number of characters, which is useful when yous want to count how many characters there are in some text.

In the example below, you can see how the TRIM formula cleans upwards the Excel data.

Advanced Excel - TRIM


Formula: =A1&" more than text"

Concatenate is non really a function on its own – it's merely an innovative way of joining information from different cells and making worksheets more dynamic.  This is a very powerful tool for financial analysts performing financial modeling (meet our complimentary financial modeling guide to learn more).

In the example beneath, you can run into how the text "New York" plus ", " is joined with "NY" to create "New York, NY". This allows you to create dynamic headers and labels in worksheets. Now, instead of updating cell B8 straight, you lot can update cells B2 and D2 independently.  With a large data set, this is a valuable skill to have at your disposal.

Concatenate formula Excel Example

ten. CELL, LEFT, MID and RIGHT functions

These advanced Excel functions can be combined to create some very advanced and complex formulas to utilize.  The Jail cell function can render a diverseness of data about the contents of a jail cell (such equally its name, location, row, cavalcade, and more).  The LEFT function can return text from the beginning of a prison cell (left to right), MID returns text from any start indicate of the jail cell (left to right), and Right returns text from the terminate of the cell (correct to left).

Below is an illustration of the three formulas in activity.

To meet how they can be combined in a powerful way with the Prison cell role, we interruption information technology down for yous step by step in our advanced Excel formulas class.

CELL, LEFT, MID and RIGHT formulas

More than Excel Formulas Training

We hope these top x advanced Excel formulas have been helpful for you. They should go a long fashion to improving your financial analysis and fiscal modeling skills .

Below are more CFI resources to help yous go an Excel ability user:

  • Excel Formulas Cheat Canvass
  • Excel Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Free Excel Crash Course
  • Advanced Excel Course
  • Excel for Financial Modeling


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