
How To Find The Lowest Number In Excel

Find lowest n values

Excel formula: Find lowest n values


To detect the n lowest values in a prepare of data, you lot can use the SMALL function. This can be combined with Alphabetize as shown below to retrieve associated values. In the instance shown, the formula in F7 is:


Notation: this worksheet has two named ranges: bid (C5:C12), and company (B5:B12), used for convenience and readability.


The small function tin can retrieve the smallest values from data based on rank. For example:

                        =                        Small-scale                        (range,                        1                        )                        // smallest                        =                        Small                        (range,                        2                        )                        // 2nd smallest                        =                        Pocket-sized                        (range,                        3                        )                        // 3rd smallest                      

In this example, the rank just comes from column Eastward.

Retrieve associated values

To retrieve the name of the company associated with smallest bids, we use INDEX and MATCH. The formula in G7 is:


Here, the value in cavalcade F is used as the lookup value within MATCH, with the named range bid (C5:C12) for lookup_array, and match type fix to zero to force exact lucifer. Lucifer so returns the location of the value to Alphabetize as a row number. INDEX then retrieves the corresponding value from the named range company (B5:B12).

The all-in-ane formula to get company name in i footstep would await like this:


Note: if your values contain duplicates y'all may get ties when you endeavour to rank. You can utilise a formula like this to break times.

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