
How To Increase Altar Power Witchery


Name Altar
Source Mod Witchery
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool will work, but a pickaxe is the most efficient.

An Altar is a 2x3x1 multi-block structure added by the Witchery mod. It is the only power source for Witchery utilities like brews and Circle Magic Rituals.


  • 1 Recipe
  • 2 Placement
  • 3 Upgrading
  • 4 Power Sources
    • 4.1 Placement Tips
  • 5 Video

Recipe [edit]

Placement [edit]

The Altar multi-block is complete when a red cloth recovers the whole structure.

It continuously scans its environment in a 14 block radius (cube shaped) and searches life to draw power from. The last altar block placed is the center of this range.

The most important factor is variety.

Upgrading [edit]

The Altar can be upgraded by placing specific items on its surface.

Upgrades are additive (Infinity egg and pentacle recharge bonuses are multiplicative), Player head (x3) and filled chalice (x2) is: 1 (base altar) + 3 + 2 = x6 power multiplier.

Recharge Rate Power Boost Range Boost
Skeleton Skull +x1 +x1
Wither Skeleton Skull +x2 +x2
Player Head +x3 +x3
Torch +x1
Candelabra +x2
Pentacle x2[1]
Chalice +x1
Chalice (Filled) +x2
Arthana +x2[2]
Infinity Egg x10[1] +x1
  1. 1.0 1.1 These bonuses multiply other bonuses on an altar. (EG a player head (x3)+base altar (x1)= x4, adding a pentacle will make this x8 instead.
  2. Arthana's range boost is only for distribution, not for gathering power.

Power Sources [edit]

The altar can draw power from a number of block types within a 14 block radius (placing an Arthana on the altar does NOT increase the range it will draw power from). Each instance of the blocks below within the radius add to the altar's maximum power. However, there is a limit to the number of blocks of each type that can contribute to the altar's power. For example, each melon near the altar adds +4 to its maximum power, but an altar cannot benefit from more than 20 melons (for +80 power total); adding more melons after 80 will not increase the altar's maximum power. Therefore, the altar must be surrounded with a large variety of the blocks listed in the table below in order to store enough power to perform more demanding rituals.

Note that some small sets of blocks are considered to be equivalent to the altar, and the limit on their number applies to all combinations of those equivalent blocks. For example, dirt and podzol are considered equivalent, so an altar cannot benefit from more than 80 total blocks of both, whether it's 40 dirt + 40 podzol, 60 dirt + 20 podzol, 80 dirt + 0 podzol, etc.

block power per block max # blocks max power equivalent blocks
dirt or podzol +1 80 +80 dirt, podzol
farmland +1 100 +100
mycelium +1 80 +80
water +1 50 +50 water source block, flowing water
grass +2 80 +160
early Minecraft woods +2 50 +100 birch wood, jungle wood, oak wood, spruce wood
later Minecraft woods +2 50 +100 acacia wood, dark oak wood
vines +2 50 +100
blood poppy +2 10 +20
critter snare +2 10 +20
glint weed +2 20 +40
grassper +2 10 +20
tall grass or fern +3 50 +150 tall grass, fern
early Minecraft leaves +3 100 +300 birch leaves, jungle leaves, oak leaves, spruce leaves
later Minecraft leaves +3 100 +300 acacia leaves, dark oak leaves
cactus +3 50 +150
sugar cane +3 50 +150
gray mushroom +3 20 +60
red mushroom +3 20 +60
gray mushroom block ("mushroom 99") +3 20 +60
red mushroom block ("mushroom 100") +3 20 +60
Witchery woods +3 100 +300 alder wood, hawthorn wood, rowan wood
spanish moss +3 20 +60
wispy cotton +3 20 +60
wheat crop +4 20 +80
carrot crop +4 20 +80
potato crop +4 20 +80
melon +4 20 +80
pumpkin +4 20 +80
vanilla sapling +4 20 +80 all vanilla Minecraft saplings (acacia, birch, dark oak, jungle, oak, spruce)
Witchery saplings +4 20 +80 alder sapling, hawthorn sapling, rowan sapling
dandelion +4 30 +120
flower +4 30 +120 most vanilla Minecraft flowers except dandelions: allium, azure bluet, blue orchid, orange tulip, oxeye daisy, pink tulip, poppy, red tulip, white tulip
Witchery leaves +4 50 +200 alder leaves, hawthorn leaves, rowan leaves
belladonna +4 20 +80
ember moss +4 20 +80
mandrake +4 20 +80
snowbell +4 20 +80
water artichoke +4 20 +80
Demon Heart +100 2 +200
Dragon Egg +250 1 +250
infinity egg (Creative mode only) +6000 1 +6000

Hypothetically, if the maximum number of all of the above blocks (except the Infinity Egg) were placed near an altar, that altar would have 3,980 maximum power, before applying any upgrades. There would be 1,510 of these blocks (excluding blocks that must be empty, e.g. air above crops), which is rather insignificant compared to the total volume available in a roughly 30x30x30 area around the altar: 27,000 blocks.

Notably, the following blocks do not add to an altar's power, but deserve mention because it's reasonable to expect that they should:

  • double tallgrass
  • large fern
  • lilac
  • peony
  • rosebush
  • sunflower
  • minedrake
  • wolfsbane
  • wormwood

Placement Tips [edit]

  • The growth stage of crops does not affect how much power they provide the altar; they provide just as much when they are freshly planted as they do when they are ready to harvest.
  • If you are using saplings or mushrooms to power your altar, make sure they cannot grow into trees or giant mushrooms, as those are composed of completely different blocks.
  • Don't bury grass, mycelium, or farmland under other blocks, or they will revert to dirt.
  • Make sure farmland is placed within 4 blocks of water so that it does not dry out and revert to dirt (but you should probably plant something on it anyway for even more power).
  • If you are using a mod that disables vanilla crops, these may still be placeable by a Dispenser.
  • Make sure leaf blocks are connected (either directly or through other leaves) to wood blocks to keep them from decaying.

Video [edit]

v · d · e Witchery


 Flying Ointment •  Ghost of the Light •  Happenstance Oil •  Infernal Animus • Infernal Infusion •  Infused Brew Base •  Infused Brew of Soaring •  Infused Brew of the Grave • Infusion of Light • Infusion of Otherwhere • Infusion of the Overworld •  Mystic Unguent •  Soul of the World •  Spirit of Otherwhere


Banishing • Beastial Call • Binding • Broiling • Broken Earth • Charging • Earth's Wrath • Fertility • the Forest • Glyphic Transformation • Icy Expansion • Imprisonment • Infusion • Manifestation • Moving Earth • Nature's Power • Necromancy • Prior Incarnation • Protection • Remove Curse • Sanctity • Shifting Seasons • Sky's Wrath • Summoning • Total Eclipse • Transposition


Blight • Blindness • Corrupt Poppet • Creatures of the Night • Hell on Earth • Insanity • Misfortune • Overheating • Raining Toads • Sinking • Waking Nightmare • the Wolf


Fiery Touch Fiery Touch • Melting Touch Melting Touch • Living Flame Living Flame • Evaporation Evaporation • Fiery Tolerance Fiery Tolerance • Torment Torment


Anguish of the Dead • Deathly Veil • Drain Growth • Fortification of the Corpse • Graveyard Mist • Summon Spectre • Summon Banshee


 Fasting •  Fleet Foot •  Intensity •  Iron Arm •  Nightmares


Disorientation • Ghost Walking • Sentinel • Shrieking • Voodoo Protection


 Armor Protection •  Death Protection •  Earth Protection •  Fire Protection •  Hunger Protection •  Poppet Protection •  Tool Protection •  Vampiric •  Voodoo •  Voodoo Protection •  Water Protection


Basic Brew

 Bats •  Bodega •  Colored Water •  Cursed Leaping •  the Depths •  Erosion •  Flowing Spirit •  Frogs Tongue •  Frost •  the Grotesque •  Hollow Tears •  Infection •  Ink •  Love •  Raising •  Revealing •  Sprouting •  Sleeping •  Substitution •  Thorns •  Vines •  Wasting •  Webs •  Congealed Spirit •  Redstone Soup •  Solidifying Brew

Level 1
Custom Brew

 Combustion •  Dissipate Gas •  Ender Inhibition •  Extinguish Fires •  Fell Tree • Fertilize Fertilize • Grow Flowers Grow Flowers •  Grow Lily •  Harvest •  Moonshine •  Part Water •  Planting •  Prune Leaves •  Pulverize Rock •  Snow Burst & Trail •  Swim Speed •  Till Land •  Tint Skin •  Werewolf Lock

Level 2
Custom Brew

 Air Hike •  Attract Arrows •  Bat Burst •  Brew Gas Immunity •  Cactus & Thorned •  Damage Boost •  Endless Water •  Erosion •  Fast Movement • Floating Floating •  Freeze •  Grow Sapling •  Harm •  Heal •  Insect Bane •  Invisible •  Jump •  Level Land •  Night Vision •  Part Lava •  Poison •  Poison Weapon •  Pull •  Push Away •  Reflect Arrows •  Regeneration •  Remove Buffs •  Remove Debuffs •  Repel Attacker •  Resist Fire •  Slow Fall •  Slow Movement •  Sprouting •  Undead Bane •  Vines & Flammable • Water Breathing Water Breathing •  Weakness •  Webs

Level 4
Custom Brew

 Absorb Magic •  Absorption •  Animal Attraction •  Animal Repulsion •  Blight •  Blindness •  Brew Bottling •  Disease •  Fear •  Flames •  Frog's Leg •  Fullness •  Grue's Prey •  Harm Werewolves •  Health Boost •  Insanity • Love Love •  Nightmare •  Overheating •  Paralysis •  Raise Dead •  Raise Land •  Revealing •  Sinking •  Stout Belly •  Transpose •  Transpose Ore •  Volatility •  Wasting • Weaken Vampires Weaken Vampires •  Wither

Level 5
Custom Brew

Blast Blast •  Demonbane •  Ice Shell •  Ice World •  Inferno •  Poison Toad •  Reflect Damage

Level 6
Custom Brew

 Drain Magic •  Duration Boost •  Fortune •  Ill Fitting •  Reincarnate •  Resizing •  Steal Buffs • Undead's Curse Undead's Curse

Level 8
Custom Brew

 Keep Effects •  Keep Inventory •  Shifting Seasons •  Spread Debuffs

Level 12
Custom Brew

 Summon Leonard



 Attuned Stone •  Bloodied Wicker Bundle •  Cooked Lambchop •  Circle Talisman • Cooked Porkchop? Cooked Porkchop? •  Demonic Contract •  Dense Web •  Fanciful Thread •  Fume Filter •  Golden Thread •  Hollow Tears Bucket •  Impregnated Leather •  Koboldite Ingot •  Koboldite Nugget •  Quartz Sphere •  Raw Lambchop • Raw Porkchop? Raw Porkchop? •  Tormented Twine •  Wicker Bundle


 Breath of the Goddess •  Clay Jar •  Condensed Fear •  Demonic Blood •  Diamond Vapor •  Drop of Luck •  Ender Dew •  Exhale of the Horned One •  Focused Will •  Foul Fume •  Hint of Rebirth •  Mellifluous Hunger •  Odour of Purity •  Oil of Vitriol •  Purified Milk •  Reek of Misfortune •  Soft Clay Jar •  Spirit Bucket •  Tear of the Goddess •  Whiff of Magic


 Anointing Paste • Poisoned Apple Poisoned Apple •  Bone Needle •  Concentrated Bat Ball •  Creeper Heart •  Demon Heart •  Ent Twig •  Frozen Heart •  Graveyard Dust •  Gypsum •  Koboldite Dust •  Mandrake Root •  Mutandis •  Mutandis Extremis •  Null Catalyst •  Nullified Leather •  Owlet's Wing •  Quicklime •  Refined Evil •  Rock •  Silver Deposits •  Soul of Torment Demon •  Spectral Dust •  Subdued Spirit •  Subdued Village Spirit •  Toe of Frog •  Tongue of Dog •  Wood Ash •  Wool of Bat •  Wormy Apple •  Woven Cruor


 Alder Wood •  Belladonna •  Belladonna Flower •  Blood Poppy •  Critter Snare •  Disturbed Cotton •  Ember Moss •  Glint Weed •  Grassper •  Hawthorn Wood •  Icy Needle •  Leaping Lily • Mandrake Mandrake •  Mandrake Root •  Minedrake •  Rowan Berries •  Rowan Wood •  Snowbell •  Spanish Moss •  Water Artichoke •  Water Artichoke Globe •  Wispy Cotton •  Wolfsbane •  Wolfsbane •  Wormwood

Seeds &

 Alder Sapling •  Belladonna Seeds •  Hawthorn Sapling •  Mandrake Seeds •  Minedrake Bulb •  Rowan Sapling •  Snowbell Seeds •  Treefyd Seed •  Water Artichoke Seeds •  Wolfsbane Seeds •  Wormwood Seeds



 Baba Yaga's Hat •  Death's Hood •  Earmuffs •  Witch Hunter Hat •  Witch Hunter Hat (Silvered) •  Witch Hunter Dawn Hat • Witches Hat Witches Hat •  Wolf Head •  Hellhound Head •  Vampire Helmet •  Vampire Top Hat


 Death's Robe •  Mog's Quiver •  Necromancer Robes •  Witch Hunter Coat •  Witch Hunter Coat (Silvered) •  Witch Hunter Dawn Coat •  Witches Robes •  Vampire Chain Coat •  Vampire Chain Coat (Ladies) •  Vampire Dress Coat •  Vampire Dress Jacket (Ladies)


 Bark Belt •  Biting Belt •  Gulg's Gurdle •  Twisting Band •  Witch Hunter Trousers •  Witch Hunter Trousers (Silvered) •  Witch Hunter Dawn Trousers •  Vampire Skirted Trousers •  Vampire Trousers


 Death's Footwear •  Icy Slippers •  Ruby Slippers •  Seeping Shoes •  Witch Hunter Boots •  Witch Hunter Boots (Silvered) •  Witch Hunter Dawn Boots •  Vampire Oxford Boots


 Arthana •  Bone Bolt •  Cane Sword •  Hand of Death •  Mystic Branch •  Witch Hunter Pistol Crossbow •  Wooden Bolt •  Nullifying Bolt •  Silver Bolt •  Splitting Bolt •  Sun Grenade •  Witches Hand


 Blooded Waystone •  Bound Waystone •  Brew Bag •  Broom •  Enchanted Broom •  Golden Chalk •  Horn of the Hunt •  Infernal Chalk •  Koboldite Pickaxe •  Lava Diviner •  Necromantic Stone •  Otherwhere Chalk •  Player Compass •  Poppet Shelf Compass •  Ritual Chalk •  Silver Sword •  Spectral Stone •  Staff of Duplication •  Taglock Kit •  Water Diviner •  Waystone • Creative Bat/Wolf Token Creative Bat/Wolf Token


 Alder Wood Door •  Alluring Skull • Altar  •  Beartrap •  Binky's Skull •  Blood Crucible •  Boline •  Brazier •  Coffin •  Candelabra •  Chalice •  Chalice (Filled) •  Crystal Ball •  Distillery •  Duplication Grenade •  Garlic Garland •  Glass Goblet • Glass Goblet (full) Glass Goblet (full) •  Ice Door •  Ice Stockade •  Kettle •  Leech Chest •  Leonard's Urn •  Mirror •  Pentacle •  Poppet Shelf •  Rowan Door Key •  Rowan Keyring •  Rowan Wood Door •  Scarecrow •  Seer Stone •  Silver Vat •  Spinning Wheel •  Spirit Portal •  Statue of Broken Curses •  Statue of The Goddess •  Statue of Hobgoblin Patron •  Statue of Occluded Summons • Stockade Stockade • Sun Collector Sun Collector •  Trent Effigy •  Witch's Cauldron •  Witch's Ladder •  Witches Oven •  Fume Funnel •  Fume Filter •  Filtered Fume Funnel •  Wolf Altar •  Wolftrap


 Blood-stained Wool •  Dirt •  Grass •  Ice Fence •  Ice Gate •  Ice Pressure Plate •  Ice Slab •  Ice Stairs •  Mirror Surface •  Perpetual Ice •  Shaded Glass •  Snow Pressure Plate •  Snow Slab •  Snow Stairs


Desease Desease • Flowing Spirit (cyan) Flowing Spirit (cyan) • Flowing Spirit (navy) Flowing Spirit (navy)



 Ink •  Sprouting •  Thorns •  Webs


 Ink •  Sprouting •  Thorns •  Webs


 Ink •  Sprouting •  Thorns •  Webs


 Ender •  Void •  Wild


 Biome Note •  Book of Biomes •  Book of Biomes (Extended Edition) • Brews & Infusions Brews & Infusions • Circle Magic Circle Magic • Collecting Fumes Collecting Fumes • Conjuration & Fetishes Conjuration & Fetishes • Distilling Distilling • Herbology Herbology • Symbology Symbology •  Witches' Brews •  Observations of an Immortal •  Torn Page



Banshee • Binky • Coven Witch • Demon • Ent • Familiar • Spectral Familiar • Flame Imp • Flying Monkey • Hobgoblin • Lost Soul • Mandrake • Minedrake • Nightmare • Owl • Parasytic Louse • Poltergeist • Spectral Familiar • Spectre • Spirit • Treefyd • Toad • Witch Hunter • Wolfman • Vampire


Baba Yaga • Death • Gulg • Horned Huntsman • Lilith • Lord of Torment • Mog • Shade of Leonard

How To Increase Altar Power Witchery


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